Be an advocate for Little Bells Promiseland Home
Littlebells would love to hear from you on new ways to reach out to the caring community to help needy children develop into effective and innovative citizens of Nepal.
We also like to expand our outreach to help other community needs in the villages, town centres and schools of Nepal.
There are many areas of critical need we have come across in Nepal which includes water purification, general health programmes, sanitation and shelter, agricultural development, environment care, and skills development using appropriate technology.
Nepalese people are very caring, diligent and teachable, looking for new ways to make their country a better place to live in while being careful to protect their nation and culture from negative aspects of globalization.
Your help to advocate and bring needed resources to meet these aspirations through Littlebells and other agencies will be much appreciated.
Please email us at if you like to help in this way.
The Art of Giving Fundraiser